

This is one of my "gonna try this at least once" projects......

I had the blade and a chunk of ivory laying around for quit some time before I figured out what to do with it....I made alot of drawings before I kinda figured out how it should look......I had a rough idea but alowed my self to explore the shape with no limits......its mostly carved with a knife and files......aound the mouth I used a dremmel tool to get some of the excess out. The blade is part fulltang and part sticktang. Its made from Damasteel. The bolsters are Sibirian mammoth ivory and the handle is Alaskan mammoth ivory. The tongue is 14K gold

I have not made the sheath for it yet.






Jens Anso

[HankEr: moved to the gallery]
Cool Knife!

You have Mail for an other one. ;)

Do you have a price for this Knife?

Hey Jens, welcome to the Messerforum.net. I've seen that knife about 10 mins before at the CKD-forums. It's :staun: awesome! :super:

I really hope we'll see more of your work in the future.
thank you guys...this knife sold at 1300$US only 2 hours after i posted pictures of it on one of the other forums. I will post more pictures in the future for sure....my german is more than rusty so I can´t really partisipate much on the other treads....
Welcome, Jens!
Already admired that knife nearly two weeks ago on USN.
Perhaps you let us know if there are any available knives.
Especially i like to see some of your Pocket Scalpels or Nasty Neckers. :D
@ElDirko: Letzte Woche war noch ein Nasty in Damast und RWL da! :haemisch:
Welcome to the forum Jens!

Wow, that's a hell of a knife!!! Looks like it was much work to carve the handle :)

Greetings, Robert

Looks like one of my "Don't even think of ever trying that" projects...

I especially like the partially hidden tang and the combination of black fiber and siberian mammoth!!!
Hi Jens,

you finally found your way here! I hope you will post more of your knives here in the future.
This knife is just awsome!!!

Greetings, JensJ
Hi Jens, it`s great, that you show this beautifull little Knife in our Forum.

That`s a really Eyecatcher ! Especially I like the way, you made the bolsters and the little golden tongue ! Great details on a very nice knife ! :super:

I hope we will see more of your work soon !