Example of a knife i sharpened back in 2018 on the small knife rest, a Spyderco Resilience, and you can enlarge the pics quite a bit.
You can see there was still a bit of burring at the heel (removed that after taking the pics), which is the tricky part to sharpen on this specific model with the small knife rest, this because of the non-existing ricasso at that point in combination with the slightly protruding handle.
I had to use the edge of the stone (SB-250 Blackstone) to get there at all, and as you can see it's not visually perfect.
After sharpening the edge was deburred freehand on the Tormek leather wheel, which is coated with 1.0 micron diamond paste.
The new edge measured an almost exact 30 degrees inclusive (15 degrees per side) and the apex was keen enough to whittle one of my chest hairs from root-to-tip at 3,0 centimeters from the point of holding.
After receiving the knife back & working with it the owner had to go not once, but twice to the emergency room in our local hospital for stitches...
(his wife and my wife are colleagues in that same hospital)